Second Quarter 2024 Market Overview

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner 

This market overview comes from information from our friends at the Wells Fargo Investment
Institute. If you would like a copy of the report this information came from, please let us know.
Here in Houston, we are recovering from Hurricane Beryl, and we hope everyone is safe and... Read More

Market Commentary June 12 2024

The Wells Fargo Investment Institute's Weekly Market Commentary provides a weekly snapshot of the current market sentiment. It offers valuable insights into market trends, helping investors stay informed about the latest developments. Regularly reading market commentary can help investors make more informed decisions, understand potential risks, and identify opportunities in the market...Read Market Commentary June 12 2024.pdf

MDT Markets Minute Market Trends French Open Brunch and Estate Planning

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner.

Today is Friday, June 7, 2024, and it’s time for another MDT Markets Minute. We posted a video on this topic if you would prefer to watch.  As we ease into summer, our office in Houston is already feeling the heat, and we’re also experiencing some interesting shifts in the market.

This morning, our office enjoyed ...Read more

Market Commentary June 5 2024

The Wells Fargo Investment Institute's Weekly Market Commentary provides a weekly snapshot of the current market sentiment. It offers valuable insights into market trends, helping investors stay informed about the latest developments. Regularly reading market commentary can help investors make more informed decisions, understand potential risks, and identify opportunities in the market...Read Market Commentary June 5 2024.pdf

Market Commentary May 22 2024

The Wells Fargo Investment Institute's Weekly Market Commentary provides a weekly snapshot of the current market sentiment. It offers valuable insights into market trends, helping investors stay informed about the latest developments. Regularly reading market commentary can help investors make more informed decisions, understand potential risks, and identify opportunities in the market...Read Market Commentary May 22 2024.pdf

Navigating Market Volatility: Your Retirement Savings

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner

Meet Jane. After years of hard work and diligent saving, she's eagerly anticipating retirement. With just a few years to go before she reaches this milestone, Jane is focused on ensuring that her financial future is secure.

 However, like many others approaching retirement, Jane is aware of the challenges posed by market volatility... Read more

Market Commentary May 15 2024

The Wells Fargo Investment Institute's Weekly Market Commentary provides a weekly snapshot of the current market sentiment. It offers valuable insights into market trends, helping investors stay informed about the latest developments. Regularly reading market commentary can help investors make more informed decisions, understand potential risks, and identify opportunities in the market...Read Market Commentary May 15 2024

Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Update

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner

As we navigate the shifting currents of the financial markets, it’s crucial to stay informed about the decisions that impact our economic landscape. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on May 2, 2024, provided some critical insights that we need to consider....Read More

Markets Minute- April Market Movements

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner

As we navigate through April 2024, the markets have experienced a shift, reminiscent of the volatility seen in 2022 and most of 2023. After a period of relative calm, April has brought back some uncertainty, largely due to persistent inflation concerns and Federal Reserve policies...Read More

Inflation 2023

Published by: Chad Taylor, Managing Partner

I have had a couple of people ask me about inflation and it being still elevated. We discussed how it's currently higher than it's been in the last 15-20 years but has come down since last summer, although it's not yet at the level the Federal Reserve aims for...Read More

Team Picture Day

Published by: Era Shehu, Client Associate

Have you ever taken pictures with your coworkers? Do you know that feeling where you are all smiling and standing close to each other, wondering how do you look? Yes, me too. As a matter of fact, today! This beautiful Wednesday morning, our photographer Bob Dempsey took our team pictures here at MDT....READ MORE
Wells Fargo Investment Institute, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly-owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.